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Rules and Regulations for Students

For the effective functioning of the school we,the staff and the parents take a proper care of the various aspects of the children viz discipline,emotional integrity and academic proficiency.Our main goals are to see a beautiful school with a wonderful performance, infrastructure and reputation.To attain all this,the following regulations are issued for the students.

1. No student should be in the possession of mobile phones during the scchool hours.In case of any necessity,please deposit it with the class teacher.Otherwise the phone will be seized.
2. Every student should follow the proper dress code.Defaulters would be fined.
3. The school gates will be closed five minutes prior to entry time.
4. Mid day leaves are allowed only in case of emergency on the request of the parents.
5. Regularity in school tasks,projects,practicles is essential for every student.
6. Students are supposed to bring their school diaries everyday to school.
7. Only books required under curriculum need to be brought to the school.Any other irrelevant magazine or journel should not be brought to the school.
8. Graceful postures and nice talking habits are required from the school students.
9. Keep your school neat and clean.Make fair use of the dustbins.
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